Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Family Chip/Reward System

If your child is having a lot of difficulty getting along at home consider using the "Family Chip System." This is a very powerful tool. When used consistently, most children will show great improvement within just a few weeks. The program provides immediate reward for appropriate behavior. By the way, if you have other children around the same age as the child for whom you are designing this program, put them on the program as well. Children really like this system.
Here are the steps to follow to use this program with your child:

  • Purchase a box of poker chips from the drug store.
  • Hold a family meeting to discuss the need for the program. Tell the children that it will help them to learn to be in charge of themselves. You can tell older children that this system is similar to what adults experience:
    • (1) Adults earn money for working; 
    • (2) Adults spend their money on things they need as well as a few things they want.
  • Develop a list of behaviors they will earn chips for. Start with the morning and then go throughout the day looking for behaviors to reward. These can include positive attitude, self-help behaviors and chores. If you are using a behavior modification program for school you can give them chips for each point earned on that system. Some possibilities are: getting up on time, brushing teeth, getting ready for school on time, playing nicely with brother or sister, completing chores such as feeding a pet or taking out the trash, saying please and thank you, doing things the first time they are asked, doing homework without a fuss, getting ready for bed on time, going to bed on time, cleaning bedroom.
  • Agree on a list of privileges they will earn and pay for with chips. Some privileges will be bought for the day, others will be bought for a period of time (usually 1/2 hour). These can include: watching TV, playing outside, computer time, renting their bike or other large toy, playing a game with a parent, etc.
Earn Chips For: 

  • Picking up bedroom
  • Making bed
  • Brushing teeth 
  • Setting the table 
  • Ready for bed on time 
  • Going to bed on time 
  • Doing things first time asked 
  • Saying please and thank you
Privileges To Spend Chips For: 

  • Family privilege 
  • Toys, etc.
Practice giving and receiving chips before starting the program. The practice should be based on the rules for parent and children provided below:
Rules for Parents When Giving Chips 

  • Be near your child and able to touch him (not 20 feet or two rooms away).
  • Look at your child and smile. 
  • Use a pleasant voice tone. 
  • Make sure your child is facing you and looking at you. 
  • Praise your child "Hey that’s great. You’re really doing a nice job. That’s really helping me." Reward you child with chips "Here’s two chips for doing a great job." 
  • Describe the appropriate behavior for your child so he know exactly what behavior he is being praised and rewarded for. 
  • Hug your child occasionally or use some other form of positive touch. 
  • Have your child acknowledge you such as, "Thanks Mom" or "O.K."
Rules For Children When Getting Chips
  • You should be facing your parents, looking at them and smiling. 
  • You should acknowledge the chips by saying "O.K.," "Thanks," or something else pleasant. 
  • The chips should be put in a specified container. (Any chips left lying around are lost.)
  • Post the list of behaviors and chips earned in a convenient place.
  • Let your child decorate a paper cup in which to keep their chips. Place the "bank’s" chips is a jar or bowl and put it in a place that is out of reach of children.
  • Start using the program. Feel free to modify the program at any time by holding a meeting. Sometimes point values need to be raised or lowered to achieve a goal. You may add or remove items from the list as well.
After about 6 weeks, you may be able to start short trials off the system. Say, "Today we are going to try not using the chip system. If things go well we will try it again the next day." If the trial is successful continue for about a week. If things continue to go well, hold a meeting and celebrate all that you and your child have both gained from the system. If your child is not ready, continue with the program.

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